Kerala PSC LD Clerk Exam General English Page -387

Kerala PSC LDC Exam

General English

Practice Test


1. He said to us, 'I have waited  an hour'
(Convert into indirect speech)
 (A) He told us that he has waited an hour
 (B) He told us that he had waited an hour
 (C) He told us he had waited an hour
 (D) He told us he waited an hour

2. 'The king said to his men,  'put that man in prison' (Convert into indirect speech)

 (A) The king ordered his men to put that man in prison
 (B) The king ordered his men that man to be put in prison
 (C) The king ordered his men put that man in prison
 (D) The king orders his men to put that man in prison

3. Convert into passive voice.
  I can finish the work in two days.

 (A) The work can be finished in two days.
 (B) The work could be finished in two days.
 (C) The work can finished in two days.
 (D) The work can been finished in two days

4. Tea will be made by her (Choose the correct  active voice)

 (A) She will made tea
 (B) She will be made the tea
 (C) She will make tea
 (D) She will be make tea

5. (Spot the error) in the sentence

 (A) I sometimes
 (B) wonder that
 (C) my mother is
 (D) really happy

6. Pick out the correct sentence

 (A) Congratulations  for your promotion
 (B) Congratulations  in your promotion
 (C) Congratulations of your promotion
 (D) Congratulations on your promotion

7. Pick out the singular form from the given words.

 (A) Crises
 (B) Radii
 (C) Agenda
 (D) Basis

8. his disappear  ............ is being looked into by the police
(Complete the sentence using the correct suffix)
 (A)  -ing
 (B) -ance
 (C) -ence
 (D) -ment

9. Fill in the space with an appropriate word to form a compound word .
The officer is air  .......  so it is very cool, even in the summer.
 (A) cool
 (B) conditioned
 (C) sighted
 (D) blowing

10. Among the following antonyms listed below. Which one is incorrect ?

 (A) Humble  X  Proud
 (B) Knave X Honest
 (C) Indolent X  Inactive
 (D) Luxurious X Frugal