Kerala PSC LD Clerk Exam General English Page -362

Kerala PSC LDC Exam

General English

Practice Test


1. The one word for no longer used is ...............

 (A) absolute
 (B) ancient
 (C) obsolete
 (D) oriental

2.  ................ means to leave one's country with a view  to settling  in a foreign  country

 (A) immigrate
 (B) emigrate
 (C) hibernate
 (D) alternate

3. If somebody gives you a remedy which is supposed to cure all diseases, you will call it ...........

 (A) panorama
 (B) paradox
 (C) potion
 (D) panacea

4. Notice of a person's death,  especially in newspaper is ...........

 (A) an observatory
 (B) an obituary
 (C) an ablution
 (D) a death warrant

5. When a person falls from prosperity, he is in ...............

 (A) serendipity
 (B) audacity
 (C) adversity
 (D) stupidity

6. When a person's jokes are indecent, we call them

 (A) obscene
 (B) obverse
 (C) obese
 (D) obscure

7. If your friends hates women, you will call him a .......

 (A) misogamist
 (B) monogamist
 (C) misanthrope
 (D) misogynist

8. A journey by sea is called

 (A) voyage
 (B) gliding
 (C) flight
 (D) skating

9. Murder of one's father is called

 (A) genocide
 (B) homicide
 (C) suicide
 (D) patricide

10. Medical examination of the dead body proved that it was a murder.

 (A) surgery
 (B) postmortem
 (C) scanning
 (D) X-ray